Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hoover Assails New Deal Policies

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Claims 'Will-o'-Wisp' Program Leads to Political Tyranny."

"Condemning policies of the Roosevelt administration, which he inferentially labels 'will-o'-the-wisp,' Herbert Hoover in the current issue of the Saturday Evening Post declares the American people are faced with 'the issue of human liberty.'"

"The former president, in his first discussion of political questions since he left the White House, decries 'economic regimentation,' saying: 'The whole thesis behind this program is the very theory that man is but a pawn of the state. It is a usurpation of primary liberties of man by government. It i a vast shift from the American concept of human right, which even the government may not infringe, to those social philosophies where men are wholly subjective to the state. It is a vast casualty to liberty if it shall be continued.'"

Hoover: "The rise of our race under it marks the high tide of a thousand year of human struggle. Under it our country has grown to greatness and has led the world in the emancipation of men. When these boundaries of liberty are overstepped, America will cease to be American. Our system has at all time had to contend with internal encroachments upon liberty. Greed in economic agencies invades it from the right, and greed for power in bureaucracy and government infringe it from the left."

Monday, October 27, 2014

There Must Be Some Better Place To Eat

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Enjoy a full meal - Dine with the Dictators - All you can eat or else"

"Eat at the Communist Kitchens - Plenty for everyone"

"Eat at the Nazi Barbecue - Try an order of our famous economic security"

"Special today at the Hotel Facist! Economic security"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hal Trosky Blossoms Early as "New Babe Ruth"

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Iowa Boy More Than Fulfilling Early Promise"

"Already Has 31 Home Runs to Credit"

"Nine months ago, William Harridge and Steve O'Neill made the prediction that the Babe Ruth of the near future was going to be a 200-pound youngster with the Cleveland Indians, and today their statement looms as a reality, even sooner than they themselves expected it to be. The youngster is Harold (Hal) Trosky, the Norway, Ia., product who has carved for himself a niche among the batting leaders of the American league in his first full season."

"Standing six feet, two inches in height and bearing a pair of powerful arms and shoulders, Trosky hits the well known 'apple' tremendous distances, and, like the famous Bambino, the top of the rightfield fence is his favorite target. Thirty-one times this season the powerful bat of the Iowa youth has propelled the ball over that rightfield barrier and that total has hoisted him into the leaders in the major league circuit swatting race. Lou Gehrig and Jimmy Foxx are the only two American league batsmen to have hit more homers this season than Trosky."

"The pace Hal has set in the American league race this season is almost as brilliant as his batting in the American association last year. The Iowan played about hald of the season at first-base for Toldeo, and poled 33 home runs and averaged .333 - which is real hitting in any man's league."

"Harridge, president of the American league, was one of the first to see Trosky's possibilities. Watching him in spring practice in New Orleans, La., last year, Harridge unhesitatingly dubbed Trosky 'the future Babe Ruth.'"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Need More Energy? Get a Lift with a Camel!

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Rex Beach tells you how to get back vim and energy when 'Played Out!'"

"'I have taken my share of big sailfish, marlin, and tuna,' says Rex Beach. 'I know what a rod-and-reel contest with these heavy fighters does to a man's vitality. When I've gotten a big fellow safely landed my next move is to light a Camel, and I feel as good as new. A Camel quickly gives me a sense of well-being and renewed energy. As a steady smoker, I have also learned that Camels do not interfere with healthy nerves.'"

"Thousands of smokers will recognize just what Mr. Beach means when he says that he lights a Camel when tired and "feels as good as new." And science adds confirmation of this refreshing 'energizing effect.' That's why you hear people say so often: 'Get a lift with a Camel.' Camel's aren't flat or 'sweetish.' Their flavor never disappoints. You can smoke Camels steadily - as many as you want - their finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS do not get on the nerves!"

Also included are quotes from a phone operator, rodeo champion, salesman, and olympic swimmer!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Canned Hawaiian Pineapple

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"This great protective fruit gives you Summer Energy!"

"Eat 2 Slices Daily"

"Authorities say it's better to eat protective foods for energy - particularly in the summer, when your appetite lags. You need the important Vitamins A, B, C, iron for the blood, and copper; and the alkaline effect of other minerals found in Canned Hawaiian Pineapple. And Canned Pineapple gives you quick energy for summer activities!"

"Add these extra nutritional values to a cool, inviting salad today. Or get them in a refreshing dessert... in an appetizer. No 'fixing,' no fuss; Canned Hawaiian Pineapple is ready to eat just as you buy it. Start today. All summer long, see that you have some of this delightful fruit at least once each day. Canned Pineapple is a fruit you can enjoy in so many different ways!"

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Will A Woman Be President?

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Hope Not Soon, First Lady Replies"

"When will a woman become president? Well, said Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Tuesday: 'I hope it won't be soon.' The first lady, whose amazing vitality, social and welfare pursuits have won her distinction paralleling that of her husband, advances as one reason for her hope the belief that the majority of Americans would not be satisfied to trust the judgment of a woman president."

"In a radio speech Tuesday night answering the question, 'When will a woman become president,' Mrs. Roosevelt said: 'I do not think it would be impossible to find a woman who could be president, but I hope it doesn't happen in the near future.' 'There are exceptional women just as there are exceptional men, and it takes an exceptional man to be a successful and useful president. Though women are proving every year they are capable of assuming responsibilities considered to be out of their province in the past, I do not think we yet have reached the point where a majority would feel satisfied to follow the leadership and trust the judgment of a woman as president."

"'People say no woman could stand the physical strain, but that I think is nonsense, and answered over and over again by women through the length and breadth of the land.'"

"'Women have not yet had, however, as many years of background in public life, or as many years of experience in learning how to give and take in the world of affairs.' 'Some day a woman may be president, but I hope it will not be while we still speak of a "woman's vote." I hope it will only become a reality when she is elected as an individual because of her capacity, and the trust which the majority of the people have in her integrity and ability as a person.'"

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Go to College at Drake in Des Moines

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Drake Students enjoy many unusual advantages here in the Capital City - the commercial and cultural center of Iowa. Drake is noted for friendly spirit - for personal attention students receive from instructors. Those are reasons why so many alert young men and women are enrolling in Drake for the coming college year."

"$266 pays tuition and all general fees for the entire school year"

"Educational standards considered, tuition and fees at Drake are most reasonable. High school graduates who use the present Recovery Period to gain a college education will reap rich dividends later on when positions are plentiful."

"Plan to register Sept. 17. For Catalog and Complete Information, Write or Call

Drake University

Des Moines, Iowa"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Catholics Gain Despite Hitler

February 1938 (Des Moines Register)

"The Nazi war on the Catholic church - dramatized by the trial of the Rev. Martin Niemoeller - has tended to strengthen the church. Figures showing an increase in Catholic membership since Hitler came to power are published, paradoxically, by Nazi papers."

"'Der Angriff,' mouthpiece of Germany's most violent assailant of the church, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, used the figures in an effort to show that the church has full freedom under the Nazis and indeed flourishes under 'special privileges.'"

"The newspaper took exception to the church assertions that the church stands under emergency law in Germany, and declared, 'It has been established that the opposition is the truth: The church enjoys special rights, more monopolistic than even the state church in England.'"

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Nazis Rule in Seething Austria, Hitler's Troops Move on Vienna

March 1938 (Des Moines Register)

"Thunder Over Europe"

"Vienna - Germany seizes Austrian government, reorganizing cabinet with Arthur Seysz-Inquart, personal friend of Hitler, as chancellor. Kurt Schuschnigg driven from office by German ultimatum threatening invasion. German troops marching toward Vienna."

"Berlin - Hitler reported closeted early Friday evening with members of new Austrian cabinet; government denies issuing ultimatum to Austria, says demand came from Austrian ministers 'in view of Schuschnigg's dangerous policy.'"

"London - British and French governments protest German action; Hitler's move seen as bitter blow to new British 'realistic' foreign policy."

"Paris - Austrian crisis catches France without cabinet; Premier-designate Leon Blum expresses confidence he can form new national union government; Italy refuses joint action with France and Britain to save Austria."

"Swastikas Over Austria"

"Chancellor Hitler's imprint was left Friday on many parts of central Europe; in the above map, swastikas mark a few of them. At Passau and Kuftsein, German troops were reported to have crossed the border (dotted line) into Austria. At Eisenstadt, Nazis seized control of government offices. And in Vienna, Nazi mobs drove supporters of Chancellor Schuschnigg to cover." 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Yogi May Try To Rejuvenate India's Gandhi

February 1938 (Des Moines Register)

"A yogi 'youth-maker' - himself 172 years old by his own count - exultantly reported Saturday he had turned back the years for an elderly follower of Mohandas K. Gandhi. 'My patient looks 20 years younger,' said the yogi after 40 days of mystic rejuvenation on 77-year-old Pandit Mohan Malaviya, Gandhi's political associate."

"Just how he does it Yogi Tapsi Bishan Das Udasi kept a secret. He is a venerable student of ancient Indian lore, particularly 'Ayurvedic medicine,' a school of healing based on sacred writings."

"It is hard to believe Tapsi is 172 years old for he looks 40. He says this is because he has been rejuvenated three times; and there is some proof he is over 100. If he succeeds on the pandit, every effort will be made to persuade Gandhi to try the treatment. Several rich Indians have offered to defray the expenses which can run from $2,000 to $17,000, depending on the patient's circumstances."

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Papa Mathues, at 83, Is Perturbed - Hopes 17th Child 'Is the Last' - 'Nearly Run Out of Girls' Names'

February 1938 (Des Moines Register)

"Eighty-three-year-old William (Concord Bill) Mathues was a bit perturbed Saturday after becoming a father for the seventeenth time - twice within the last two years."

"'I hope it's the last,' said Mathues proudly, with a sly glance at the latest arrival - an eight and a half pound girl. 'We've pretty near run out of girls' names.' However, he decided to name her Ida Mae."

"It was the fourteenth child by his second wife, Elsie, 40, in their 20 years of married life. Seven children are living."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Munyon's Kidney Cure

Click here for full size picture

August 1899 (Des Moines Leader)

"I will guarantee that my Kidney Cure will cure 90 per cent of all forms of kidney complaint and in many instances the most serious forms of Bright's disease. If the disease is complicated send a four ounce vial of urine. We will analyze it and advise you free what to do. MUNYON"

"At all druggists, 25c. a vial. Guide to Health and medical advice free. 1505 Arch st., Phila."