Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Need More Energy? Get a Lift with a Camel!

September 1934 (Des Moines Register)

"Rex Beach tells you how to get back vim and energy when 'Played Out!'"

"'I have taken my share of big sailfish, marlin, and tuna,' says Rex Beach. 'I know what a rod-and-reel contest with these heavy fighters does to a man's vitality. When I've gotten a big fellow safely landed my next move is to light a Camel, and I feel as good as new. A Camel quickly gives me a sense of well-being and renewed energy. As a steady smoker, I have also learned that Camels do not interfere with healthy nerves.'"

"Thousands of smokers will recognize just what Mr. Beach means when he says that he lights a Camel when tired and "feels as good as new." And science adds confirmation of this refreshing 'energizing effect.' That's why you hear people say so often: 'Get a lift with a Camel.' Camel's aren't flat or 'sweetish.' Their flavor never disappoints. You can smoke Camels steadily - as many as you want - their finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS do not get on the nerves!"

Also included are quotes from a phone operator, rodeo champion, salesman, and olympic swimmer!

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