February 1938 (Des Moines Register)
"Sterilization of unfit urged"
Explanation of family tree picture: "Are brains inherited? Yes, say the scientists who prepared these two family trees to show what they say is the need for sterilization of persons unfit to become parents. They say the Dwight family is an example of inherited scholarship, while the W-- family is an example of inherited feeble-mindedness and criminal tendencies - the type of family for which sterilization is proposed."
"'Three generations of imbeciles are enough.' When the late Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes pronounced those words in a supreme court decision in 1927 he was saying that Carrie Buck was not to have any more idiot children. To Carrie Buck, that meant no children at all."
"Because of Carrie, idiots, morons, and weak-minded children have been pruned from family trees all over the land. Because of Carrie, there is no longer any doubt that a state has the right under the federal constitution to sterilize criminals and mental incompetents and thus cut off a new generation of crime and insanity."
"Sex crimes have set many states to talking about sterilization as a preventative measure. In Kansas the issue was raised in a dispute over sterilization of girls in delinquent institutions. Georgia passed a sterilization law last year. In New York, a state legislative committee is considering a law to sterilize all persons convicted of two successive felonies."
"As a result of the supreme court decision, 29 of the 48 states now have sterilization laws in force. Up to January, 1935 - the last time a tabulation was made - 21,538 persons actually had been made sexually sterile. Dr. Laughlin says sterilization in not particularly painful - in the case of a man he compares it to tonsillectomy - and makes no difference in normal married life except that reproduction is impossible."
Explanation of family tree picture: "Are brains inherited? Yes, say the scientists who prepared these two family trees to show what they say is the need for sterilization of persons unfit to become parents. They say the Dwight family is an example of inherited scholarship, while the W-- family is an example of inherited feeble-mindedness and criminal tendencies - the type of family for which sterilization is proposed."
"'Three generations of imbeciles are enough.' When the late Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes pronounced those words in a supreme court decision in 1927 he was saying that Carrie Buck was not to have any more idiot children. To Carrie Buck, that meant no children at all."
"Because of Carrie, idiots, morons, and weak-minded children have been pruned from family trees all over the land. Because of Carrie, there is no longer any doubt that a state has the right under the federal constitution to sterilize criminals and mental incompetents and thus cut off a new generation of crime and insanity."
"Sex crimes have set many states to talking about sterilization as a preventative measure. In Kansas the issue was raised in a dispute over sterilization of girls in delinquent institutions. Georgia passed a sterilization law last year. In New York, a state legislative committee is considering a law to sterilize all persons convicted of two successive felonies."
"As a result of the supreme court decision, 29 of the 48 states now have sterilization laws in force. Up to January, 1935 - the last time a tabulation was made - 21,538 persons actually had been made sexually sterile. Dr. Laughlin says sterilization in not particularly painful - in the case of a man he compares it to tonsillectomy - and makes no difference in normal married life except that reproduction is impossible."
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