Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Are Bobbettes Driving Men From Barber Shops?"

August 1924 (Des Moines Register)

Quote from a University place barber: "Our customers are mainly college guys and when a dame comes in to have her hair bobbed they mostly will know her. They just chew the rag as if they were a bunch of men. Only they don't cuss, you know. It don't make any difference about smoking. I notice the laws don't chew so much when there's a lady around."

Quote from an east side barber: "Oh, I don't know; it don't cut much ice. We've got a regular run of customers of course that mostly know each other. Occasionally we get a bob, but most fellows take more interest in watching a girl get her hair bobbed than they do in what they were saying to each other, anyway."

"'Women are more pernickety than men,' the head of a hotel barber shop said. 'but they know what they want, which is more than you can say for most men. With a woman it's a proposition of cutting her hair as she wants it done. With a man you just have to go ahead in the dark and then the chances are he looks so homely naturally he has to blame part of it on the barber - and there you are.'
'But homely women?'
'I'm su'prised at you, son. There ain't any homely women - as far as they're concerned anyway.'"

"Three shops of twenty, all of them in outlying districts, preferred the men's trade. All of them were barber shop club rooms where 'the gang' came in for a shave and talked of cabbages and kings and other phenomena not so polite"

Quote from local barber: "They're always bringing little Billy or little Oswald in to have his curls off and sniffling around the place."

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