Sunday, September 28, 2014

Our New Home Grown Drugged Cigaret

March 1938 (Des Moines Register)

"What could be more surprising just now, when we think we have discovered everything; than to learn that a wholly new narcotic drug has been evolved, and that out of a weed that grows everywhere in the United States!"

"The reader no doubt has noticed references in the news to 'marihuana' cigarets and the apparent stimulation they have given to disorderly tendencies wherever they have been smuggled. This marihuana is our American word for the plant 'Canabis sativa L', (Indian Hemp) every part of which seems to have a resin that can be extracted and that smoked in cigarets produced a peculiar form of intoxication, generally stimulating to violence."

"Explaining what marihuana does the Buereau says: 'The toxic efects produced by its active narcotic principle appear to be exclusively on the higher nerve centers. While the effects are variable with different individuals, it usually produces first an exaltation with a feeling of well-being, a happy jovial mood, an increased feeling of physical strength, and a general euphoria. There is also a stimulation of the imagination followed by a more or less delirious state characterized by vivid kaleidoscopic visions, sometimes of a pleasing and sensual kind, but occasionally of a gruesome nature. Accompanying this delirious state is a remarkable loss in spatial and time relations; persons and things in the environment look small; time is interminable; seconds seem like minutes and hours like days.'"

"Of course this is very similar to what is said of hemp and the narcotic drug that comes from it, hashish, which also is quite generally smoked. But hashish we always think of as an Asiatic intoxicant, remote and easily proscribed, while in marihuana we have something that flourishes at our own door step."

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