Friday, September 12, 2014

What's the Matter with Iowa Flappers?

September 1924 (Des Moines Register)

"Dr. Rodney P. Fagen Says Lack of Iodine in Soil Causes 'Hyper Thyroid' Condition, Flapper Temperament and Increase in Divorces"

"'She's more to be pitied than censured; She's more to be helped than despised.' It's the bobbed-haired, carmine-lipped, flippety-floppity, excitement hunting little Iowa flappers to whom the quotation is being applied today - and the medical profession has made the diagnosis. After being preached at by the club women; psycho-analyzed by authors; condemned by reformers; exploited by the movies, the flapper is now in the doctor's office. And the doctors, after consultation, have reported, 'Hyper-thyroid condition. Very serious.'"

"Dr. Rodney P. Fagen, secretary of the Iowa state board of health, sees danger ahead in the rapidly spreading prevalence of enlarged thyroid glands among growing girls and the resulting restless 'flapper' temperament."

Quote from Doctor Fagen: "After marriage such a girl finds that the new responsibilities of homekeeping make her more nervous, more restless and more emotional. She craves excitement and she is 'tied down.' Quarrels, 'incompatibility' and what she considers cruelty on the part of her husband naturally follow. Hence the rush to the divorce court after three years of married life. The 1923 figures on divorce in Iowa show that more divorces are granted to couples who have been married three years than five or ten."

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